Plot Summary: Mysterious disappearances are occurring one after the other in Tatsumi Town. Kiriya has a vision from a mysterious beautiful girl with pointy ears. A book talking for an alternative world is found. And Mao searching for her long lost friend, Zero, comes to our world. But what she didn’t expect is to find Souma and Kureha, and even less, to accidentally take them to her world. Now, Souma and Kureha have to find a way to come back. But other forces are playing their part in the darkness and Souma with Kureha will find that going back is harder than they first anticipated.
Running time: 24 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 13
Vintage: 2007-04-06 to 2007-06-30
Opening Theme:
"Shining Tears" by Souichiro Hoshi
Ending Theme:
"光のシルエット (Hikari no Shiruetto)" by Souichiro Hoshi
"光のシルエット (Hikari no SILHOUETTE)" by Souichiro Hoshi
Official website:
SEGA[シャイニング・ティアーズ・クロス・ウィンド 公式サイト] (Japanese)
Japanese Cast
Souichiro Hoshi as Souma Akizuki
Akira Ishida as Kaito Kiriya
Ayako Kawasumi as Blanc Neige
Chiwa Saito as Mao
Kumi Sakuma as Reia Hiruda
Misato Fukuen as Ryuna
Nana Mizuki as Kanon Seena
Ryotaro Okiayu as Haruto Saionji
Ryou Hirohashi as Elwing
Souichiro Hoshi as Zero
Yoshinori Sonobe as Razalus
Yui Horie as Touka Kureha
Atsushi Ono as Jin-Crow
Ayako Kawasumi as Clalaclan Philias
Chiwa Saito as Houmei
Daisuke Matsuoka as Rouen
Hiroki Yasumoto as Hyoun
Junko Hagimori as Lassi
Kazunari Tanaka as Enu
Kunihiro Kawamoto as Kouryuu
Naoki Imamura as Raihi
Takahiko Sakaguma as Basou
Takashi Kondo as Killrain
Tetsuharu Ohta as Shumari
Umeka Shouji as Caris Philias
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