一騎当千 Dragon Destiny
Plot Summary: Loosely based on the novel 'Romance of the three kingdoms', modern day Japan sees a similar struggle for power between different rival schools with the three strongest being; Kyosho Academy led by Sousou Moutoku, Nanyo Academy by Sonsaku Hakufu and Ryuubi Gentoku from Seito High School. Together these three tousei, each with their own mangatama, fight for the honour of becoming ikki tousen and fulfilling their fated destiny through battle and conquest.
Number of episodes: 12
2007-02-26 (AT-X special)
2007-02-26 to 2007-05-14
Opening Theme:
"HEART&SOUL" by Mai Kariyuki
Ending Theme:
"Garasu no Hana (硝子の花; Glass Flower)" by IORI
Official website:
Japanese Cast
一騎当千 Dragon Destiny (Japanese)
一騎當千Dragon Destiny (Chinese (Taiwan))
Ikki Tousen Dragon Destiny (DVD 2) 2010-01-26 (from $17.94) |
Ikki Tousen: Dragon Destiny - Complete Series (DVD) 2010-08-31 (from $23.99) |
Ikki-Tousen Dragon Destiny (DVD 1) 2009-11-24 (from $20.99) |
Ikkitousen: Dragon Destiny (DVD 1) 2010-05-18 |
Ikkitousen: Dragon Destiny (DVD 3) 2010-04-20 (from $20.99) |
Hitomi Nabatame as Unchou Kan'u
Kei Shindou as Gentoku Ryuubi
Mai Kadowaki as Koumei Shokatsuryou
Masumi Asano as Hakufu Sonsaku
Minori Chihara as Ekitoku Chouhi
Yuko Kaida as Shimei Ryomou
Eri Kitamura as Myousai Kakuen
Hajime Iijima as Gakushuu
Kenta Miyake as Narration
Kikuko Inoue as Goei
Koji Yusa as Genpou Saji
Satoshi Hino as Koukin Shuuyu
Shiho Kawaragi as Bunwa Kaku
Shuuhei Sakaguchi as Genjou Kakouton
Susumu Akagi as Moutoku Sousou
Takayuki Fujimoto as Houkou Kakuka
Yuu Asakawa as Shiryuu Chouun
Mikako Takahashi as Teni
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